We suggest that potential new members visit a monthly club meeting to find out more about our club before completing the registration process or paying fees online. Dues and fees are non-refundable if your family decides not to participate.
The meetings are usually on the 1st Thursday of the Month (September-May) at 7:00pm in the Thomas LeRoy Educational Building - 9020 Airport Road, Conroe, TX 77303. Specific dates and times can be found on the club calendar.
At this time, MC4HSS does not participate in Shotgun activities. We do participate in and around the Conroe area with the following projects, as volunteer coaches are available: Archery (compound & recurve), 5 meter BB Gun, Air Rifle, .22 Rifle (limited at this time), Food & Nutrition, and the County Fair. Air Pistol and .22 Pistol disciplines have not been offered the last couple of years due to lack of member interest. Given enough interest, these projects could be offered on a limited basis. We have the capability of offering the Muzzleloading rifle and pistol disciplines, but lack a certified coach to do so at this time.
Annual Club dues and fees are as follows:
- $110 dues for 1st child per year
- $40 dues for each additional child (3rd-12th grade) in same household per year
- $0 per child (in Kindergarten through 2nd grade or 3rd grade and 7 years old)
Dues can be paid through PayPal by using the button at the bottom of the Request Website Access page or by cash or check at a club meeting.
You must use the CHILD fields to add all youth members who will be participating in the practices. PUTTING YOUR CHILD'S NAME IN THE PARENT/GUARDIAN SECTION OF THIS FORM WILL CAUSE YOUR REGISTRATION TO NOT BE APPROVED.
Each family who completes 5 hours of volunteer service to the club will be eligible for a $20 reimbursement upon submitting a signed verification form to the club manager. In addition, each family who actively contributes to club fundraising efforts, can be reimbursed the $50 fundraising opt-out fee by submitting a request form.
11. * |
Is Montgomery 4-H Shooting Sports Club your Primary Club? |
Only fill out the child information you need. Leave all others blank. For example: If you have 2 children, you will fill out information for Child #1 & #2. You will leave Child 3-5 blank. Entering your child's information into this form allows you to be able to sign them up for practices. If you don't add your child's information, your only option will be to sign yourself up for practice, which can be confusing to the coaches.
16. * |
Discipline(s) 1st Child is interested in participating in (1 required) |
20. |
Discipline(s) 2nd Child is interested in participating in |
24. |
Discipline(s) 3rd Child is interested in participating in |
28. |
Discipline(s) 4th Child is interested in participating in |
32. |
Discipline(s) 5th child is interested in participating in |
33. * |
Risk Management Guidelines
We (Parents and children) have read and understand the Risk Management Guildelines. By selecting Yes, you are electronically signing the waiver attached to the Risk Management Guidelines. The most current Guidelines (2023-2024) can be found here. |
34. * |
Montgomery County Shooting Sports Guildelines
We (Parents and children) have read the Montgomery County Shooting Sports Guildelines and agree to abide by them. The most current Guidelines (2023-2024) can be found here. |
35. * |
Club Bylaws
We (Parents and children) have read the club bylaws. A copy of the bylaws can be found here. |
36. * |
Media Release
Our club compiles a scrapbook each year for submission to the County for the scrapbook contest. In addition, pictures of our members at practices and events are sometimes published on the club's public Facebook page. The club does not publish last names with pictures, but first names may be used.
Not agreeing to the release may cause your child to be left out of group pictures because the club cannot deny parents who do sign the release the option to take pictures of their child and publish them on social media. If you opt not to sign the release, you agree to take the initiative in notifying the person taking pictures that you did not agree to the media release so they can take the appropriate actions. You will also be responsible for removing your child from any situations where he or she might have their picture taken.
MC4HSS Photo Release
I hereby grant MC4HSS permission to use my likeness or any of my family listed above in a photograph in any and all of its publications to promote MC4HSS without payment or any other consideration. I understand and agree that these materials will become the property of MC4HSS.
I hereby irrevocably authorize MC4HSS leadership to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute this photo for purposes of publicizing MC4HSS’s programs or for any other lawful purpose. In addition, I waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy, wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photograph.
I hereby hold harmless and release and forever discharge MC4HSS from all claims, demands, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have reason of this authorization.
I am 21 years of age and I have read this release before signing below and fully understand the contents, meaning, and impact of this release. |
37. * |
I would like to help my child's club by serving as: (1 required) |